As the backbone of your nonprofit, your donors empower your organization to achieve and even surpass your goals. It’s essential to show your genuine appreciation for their gifts and make them feel secure in their investments. Thanking them for their support and showing them the impacts of their gifts is a crucial part of strengthening donor relations and demonstrating that…
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Providing a memorable event experience for your guests is incredibly important. It’s about having a good time of course, but it’s also about making a lasting impact on attendees that keeps them coming back and supporting the cause. Give them an unforgettable experience and maybe next time they’ll bring extra friends or increase their donation amount leading to an even better…
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Byrne Pelofsky congratulates our client, Kanbe’s Markets, for receiving a $100,000 Building a Legacy grant award from JE Dunn Construction! Kanbe’s strives to build a more inclusive food system by diverting perfectly good, edible fruits and vegetables from going to landfills and delivers it to a network of stores in USDA “low food access” neighborhoods in Kansas City, and to…
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Byrne Pelofsky's Vice President of Major Gifts, Barb Bloch, was proud to attend the KC Autism Training Center’s (KCATC) groundbreaking celebration on March 22nd, to recognize progress and upcoming projects. KCATC is a private childcare facility specializing in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. With our fundraising and grant support, KCATC was able to reach their goal to raise $1.2…
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Homelessness is a reality for many people in our region struggling to secure affordable housing. Byrne Pelofsky strives to help families in need and is therefore delighted to support Hillcrest Transitional Housing in a capital campaign to double their capacity. With their mission to move clients from homelessness to self-sufficiency, Hillcrest addresses the root causes of housing insecurity and advocates…
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