Byrne Pelofsky + Associates is proud to sponsor Nonprofit Connect's 501(c)Success National Speaker Series again in 2019. Stay tuned for dates and speaker updates and be sure to mark your calendars! Giving USA 2019: Friday, June 21 Dr. Patrick Rooney, associate dean for academic affairs and research at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, will return to Kansas City on Friday, June…
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Introducing Byrne Pelofsky’s Newest Team Members We’ve merged, we’ve moved and we’re growing! Byrne Pelofsky is excited to introduce our newest team members: Beth Silverstein, Dani Schaeffer and Nikki Williamson. All three bring successful nonprofit backgrounds and expertise that complement our team and will benefit those we serve. Welcome Beth, Dani and Nikki! Elizabeth Reynolds Silverstein, Senior Consultant Beth comes…
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