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Challenge Aspen Co-Founder and CEO Shares Message of the Benefits of Adaptive Recreation Abroad

In September, JB+A Client Partner Challenge Aspen participated in the Interski 2015 World Congress of Snowsports held in Ushuaia, Argentina. Challenge Aspen co-founder and CEO Houston Cowan delivered the opening keynote speech.

Houston Cowan InterSki 2015Held every four years on a different continent, this year’s Congress was attended by more than 850 delegates from approximately 32 countries, ranging from Russia to South Korea. The purpose of the Congress is to bring together the snowsports industry and to share the newest technology and methodologies of education/training used throughout the world.  In addition to presenting “Adaptive Snowsports: The New Emerging Market,” Houston and the Challenge Aspen team of instructors took adaptive equipment and offered on-snow clinics in adaptive recreation.

This winter, three Argentine ski areas plan to send instructors to Snowmass to train with Challenge Aspen; Instructors Interskirepresentatives from other countries who were at Interski were also invited to participate. This learning exchange is part of a shared goal of helping people in other countries have the same life-changing experiences that Challenge Aspen provides in the U.S.

To learn more about the importance of adaptive recreation visit Challenge Aspen.





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