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JB+A Client Partner Newhouse Meets Two Challenge Grants

Newhouse logoNewhouse Domestic Violence Shelter met the terms of both the Hall Family Foundation and J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation Challenge Grants in January 2016 – ahead of schedule. The challenge grants were part of the shelter’s New Beginnings Campaign to provide funding for much-needed renovations including a security gate, fencing, parking lot, kitchen remodel and new HVAC system. Construction is expected to begin in June.  The improvements will allow Newhouse to increase its capacity and offer a higher level of safety to its residents.

Newhouse needed to raise $1,105,235 toward its New Beginnings Campaign to meet the terms for the Mabee Challenge Grant.  The grant award for $200,000 will be sent when construction begins early this summer.

During the same time period, the New Beginnings Campaign exceeded another milestone by meeting the Hall Family Foundation challenge to raise $1,445,000.  The grant award for $400,000 has already been received.

The New Beginnings Campaign, which began in October of 2014, has raised just over $2,400,000 of its $2,700,000 goal.

Newhouse is the oldest shelter in the Kansas City metro area, having served the community for more than 44 years.  Located in the city’s Urban core, Newhouse welcomes as many as 1,000 women and children each year who are seeking safe shelter in their 88-bed facility.  Newhouse gives everyone who crosses their threshold the tools necessary to break the cycle of domestic violence.  Its caring and dedicated staff provide for victims’ basic needs, trough therapy and programming that allows the women to achieve the best possible self-sufficiency.  For more information about Newhouse and its programs, click here.

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