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News You Can Use

News You Can Use
Issue 117/September 2012

Diversify Your Portfolio… of Donors

Judy KellerBy Judy Keller
Senior Vice President
We have all read about the fast growing changes in our country’s demographic composition, but the demographic composition of volunteers and donors to nonprofit organizations is not keeping up.
According to the American Marketing Association, the number of interracial couples in America grew by 28 percent in the past decade, while the number of same-sex couples increased by 80 percent. This shift, and other demographic changes, represent great opportunity for nonprofit organizations-especially those serving diverse communities.
I recently worked with a well respected youth services organization that exposed this dilemma-or opportunity: Most of the youth served are inner city minorities, but most of their donors are affluent suburban Caucasians. It has many wonderful stories to tell of life changes and academic success resulting from their programs. The challenge was how to diversify their funding base to be more inclusive on the fundraising side. Clearly, they needed a long term strategy to reach into new neighborhoods not just to provide service but to engage volunteer and financial support.
This will require expanding our thinking about fundraising, and staff being open to thinking about our work in new ways. Here are a few key questions to ask yourself before fundraising in these new neighborhoods:
  • Seek wise counsel and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Enpower people to make their own decisions and guide their own fundraising projects.
  • Build relationships for the long term, not just the urgent need at hand.
  • Have an urgent need. Respect people’s time enough to solicit their help for something that truly matters.
  • Identify common beliefs and values among people of different cultural backgrounds.
  • Get involved and interact with new groups for your own education and enrichment.
  • Be willing to give of yourself if you expect others to support your effort.
  • Be straightforward and honest in communications with people from different backgrounds.
  • Listen. Listen. Listen. Identify values and concerns. Test. Seek input. Don’t be afraid to change course.
  • Be patient. Effective fundraising takes time.

New School of Philanthropy at Indiana University Receives Final Approval 
Editor’s Note:  The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) is the nation’s “think-tank” on philanthropic issues. Jeffrey Byrne & Associates, Inc. is a financial supporter of the Center on Philanthropy through The Giving USA Foundation and through our firm, and works with Dr. Patrick Rooney, Executive Director, and his staff, on the research each year published by the Giving USA Foundation on giving. Click here (and look under “Knowledge Center”) to review the 2011 information on giving in the United States. Jeffrey Byrne & Associates, Inc. is pleased to share the recent announcement on the new School of Philanthropy.
September 14, 2012. It’s official: Indiana University will establish a School of Philanthropy on the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) campus. 

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education today approved the university’s proposal to create what is believed to be the world’s first school dedicated to the study and teaching of philanthropy. The school will build on the strengths of the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, a pioneer in philanthropy education, research and training.

“The Center on Philanthropy has long been recognized as the leading research institute of its kind and it makes major contributions to the study of philanthropy,” said Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie. “The transformation of the Center to a new School of Philanthropy will allow us to take full advantage of other university resources in related areas and provide unparalleled educational and research opportunities in this area for our students.”

The School of Philanthropy will be home to the ongoing bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. degree programs in Philanthropic Studies created by the Center. Students at all ages and life stages enroll in the programs to better understand and prepare to work in philanthropy and nonprofit organizations around the world.

“This is an important step for IUPUI and for philanthropy,” said Charles R. Bantz, IUPUI chancellor and executive vice president of Indiana University. “IUPUI and the Center on Philanthropy have long been in the vanguard of philanthropy education. Creating the School of Philanthropy will expand and enhance our ability to provide students with a top-quality education in a growing field.”

Gene Tempel, who has been named senior fellow in philanthropy effective October 1, will lead the planning and organization of the new school, collaborating with faculty, staff and university administrators. Tempel, who currently serves as president of Indiana University Foundation, is a former executive director of the Center on Philanthropy and has been integrally involved with it since its inception.

“Many of today’s students want careers that let them make a meaningful difference in the lives of others,” Tempel said. “The School of Philanthropy will help them become the next generation of philanthropy and nonprofit professionals and scholars, equipping them to fulfill their dreams of changing the world.”

“Students and the philanthropic sector also will benefit from the additional opportunities that will arise from enriching and expanding the Center on Philanthropy’s existing partnerships with the School of Public and Environmental Affairs’ outstanding nonprofit management programs at IUPUI and in Bloomington, and with the IU School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI,” Tempel said.

The Center on Philanthropy, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, will continue providing groundbreaking research and training programs, including The Fund Raising School, the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving and the Women’s Philanthropy Institute. Center on Philanthropy Executive Director Patrick M. Rooney will continue to serve in that role, directing all aspects of the Center’s contributions to philanthropy and the nonprofit sector. 

“Philanthropy and nonprofits play an increasingly prominent and important role in society, and they are now quite complex, requiring more sophisticated education, research and training,” Rooney said. “The new School of Philanthropy and the additional talented faculty and students it will attract will significantly expand the scope and impact of the Center on Philanthropy’s research and training in best practices. The result will be well-informed and equipped nonprofit professionals, donors and volunteers who are prepared to maximize the effectiveness of their organization’s mission and shape the future of philanthropy.”

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