Editor’s Note: JB+A is proud to share this special piece with you, which showcases former JB+A Consultant and current colleague and friend, Bill Sellers. Bill is President of Journey Through Hallowed Ground, a nonprofit partnership that promotes and supports civic engagement through history education, economic development through heritage tourism and the preservation of cultural landscapes in a 180-mile corridor from…
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Editor's Note: The 2016 U.S. Trust® Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy, in partnership with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, reports the giving patterns and priorities of America's wealthiest donors and provides valuable insights into the strategies, vehicles and approaches that can make giving more effective. This Study is a continuation of the 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012…
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Jeffrey D. Byrne President + CEO One of the biggest trends JB+A is seeing in fundraising is the impact of donor-advised funds. Nonprofits should be paying close attention to donor-advised funds and their impact on philanthropy. Did you know...? 1. Extremely significant amounts of money are being given to charities through donor-advised funds: the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation granted…
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