While their gifts are certainly vital to your organization, donors are more than just financial contributors. Your donors are champions of your cause and individuals with unique reasons for supporting your nonprofit. They contribute their hard-earned funds because they believe in your mission, which should always be at the forefront of your team’s minds. By recognizing donors as individuals and…
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Donor trust can take years to build—but only seconds to lose. A missed update, miscommunication, or vague financial report can quickly leave donors asking the dreaded question: “Where is my money going?” When donors feel uncertain or disconnected, their confidence in your organization can erode, no matter how impactful your work might be. Even major or legacy donors may rethink…
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By Guest Author: John Killoran, Clover Leaf Solutions* Your fundraising software is central to everything that your organization does and aims to accomplish. That’s why it’s crucial to make a worthwhile investment in a solution that meets your unique needs and helps you do mission-critical work. To make sure you pick the right software for your organization, we’ve compiled a…
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At Byrne Pelofsky + Associates, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Flying Truss, LLC, as we support their goal to rejuvenate a historic Kansas City landmark—the Rock Island Bridge. This visionary project not only seeks to preserve a significant piece of architectural heritage but also aims to transform it into the world’s first destination landmark bridge, promoting community…
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While marketing trends are always changing, it’s clear that the more traditional techniques—such as email marketing— are alive and well. In fact, 77% of marketers claim their email engagement has increased over the past year, indicating that email marketing isn’t going anywhere. The key to effective email marketing is connecting with donors as individuals, optimizing your content, and making your…
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Harnessing AI for Deeper Connections: Insights from Nathan Chappell's 501 c Success Series Presentation Nonprofit Connect, Byrne Pelofsky and Bank of America were delighted to welcome Nathan Chappell to Kansas City on April 30 as part of the Nonprofit Connect 501c Success Series, sponsored by Byrne Pelofsky and Bank of America. The annual series brings national thought leaders to Kansas…
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As the backbone of your nonprofit, your donors empower your organization to achieve and even surpass your goals. It’s essential to show your genuine appreciation for their gifts and make them feel secure in their investments. Thanking them for their support and showing them the impacts of their gifts is a crucial part of strengthening donor relations and demonstrating that…
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Providing a memorable event experience for your guests is incredibly important. It’s about having a good time of course, but it’s also about making a lasting impact on attendees that keeps them coming back and supporting the cause. Give them an unforgettable experience and maybe next time they’ll bring extra friends or increase their donation amount leading to an even better…
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Nonprofit Connect, Byrne Pelofsky and Bank of America were delighted to welcome Marc Pitman, aka "The Fundraising Coach," to Kansas City on September 22 as part of the Nonprofit Connect 501c Success Series, sponsored by Byrne Pelofsky and Bank of America. The annual series brings national thought leaders to Kansas City for exceptional personal and professional development training. Marc's brilliant…
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A new report published by Giving USA sheds light on how generational giving patterns have evolved since the 2016 Report. Understanding these shifts in behavior provides sound guidance for nonprofits as they develop strategic fundraising plans that harness the interests and capacity of all generations. Of particular interest, however, is Millennial donors who are set to take in over $70…
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