By Katie Lord, Vice President In this series we have examined both “Time and Talent” as it relates to the “Time, Talent and Treasure” paradigm in nonprofit donor management and cultivation. This final segment of “Treasure” is often the one that we, as nonprofits, are most interested and influenced by because it affects our pressing financial goals. It can often be…
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John F. Marshall Senior Vice President Show me an Officer's son or daughter who has no recollection of experiences with Kettles and I'll show you someone who has unfortunately lost their memory. Every son or daughter of the regiment could sit down and share an interesting array of stories centering around either ringing a bell or playing a brass instrument…
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Katie Lord, Vice President As far as nonprofit jargon is concerned, we have all probably used, or at least heard, the phrase “Time, Talent and Treasure” when referring to how we can engage individuals with our organizations. While it may seem to be a fairly basic concept, defining it is becoming an increasingly complex matter, as definitions have evolved among different…
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John Marshall Senior Vice President Last year, I wrote an article entitled “Nonprofits, Boards and Managing Expectations: A Two-Way Street.” My effort was intended to share with the fundraising professional a few insights on what it takes to transform a Board from “good to great” (in the words of one terrific author, Mr. Jim Collins). I wrote about my experiences…
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Katie Lord, Senior Consultant As far as nonprofit jargon is concerned, we have all probably used, or at least heard, the phrase “Time, Talent and Treasure” when referring to how we can engage individuals with our organizations. While it may seem to be a fairly basic concept, defining the above trifecta is becoming an increasingly complex matter, as definitions have evolved…
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Judy Keller, Executive Vice President “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Mahatma Gandhi Volunteer management is so common that it has become a specialty, a career, a “Thing” … No doubt your organization has many wonderful people who generously give their time, talent and treasure while demanding little in return. …
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Katie Lord Senior Consultant Nonprofit Board Members are expected to bring a diverse set of skills, experiences and connections to their organization. Their voluntary involvement is the basis for the continued success (or failure) of an organization. The specific skill set or a combination of skills a Board Member brings to an organization usually fills a knowledge gap, bringing expertise…
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