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KCKCC’s Vision for Downtown KCK Campus Succeeds

In September 2023, Kansas City Kansas Community College (KCKCC) will break ground on the KCK Community Education, Health & Wellness Center (KCKCEHW) in downtown Kansas City, Kansas. The KCKCEHW is strategically designed to meet the holistic needs of the downtown community and eastern Wyandotte County. The state-of-the-art center will partner with Swope Health to offer health, wellness and education services that can elevate the community.

Byrne Pelofsky partnered with KCKCC to conduct a feasibility study and provide capital campaign management services for this ambitious fundraising effort, which raised over $50,000,000 in public (Federal and State) and private funding.

This new, 100,000 square foot building will be situated at North 7th Street and State Avenue in downtown KCK. Scheduled completion and opening will be in 2025.

“It’s going to change the lives of tens of thousands of people in downtown,’” Greg Mosier, KCKCC President, told the KC STAR. (Nozicka, Luke; KCK Community College Campus to Provide Services Downtown; KC STAR; 6.8.23.)

KCKCC’s partnership with Swope Health will enable the agency to provide medical care, dental services and mental and behavioral health under the same roof, providing the community with critical resources to facilitate a healthier workforce. Educational programming will be focused on cultivating targeted workforce needs through both academic and technical programming like commercial construction technology for 11th and 12th grade students.

KCKCC was committed to building this project in the urban core of Kansas City, Kansas, where the need for wrap-around services is significant. KCKCC committed $13,000,000 towards the project. The project is part of the College’s centennial anniversary. The “Centennial Path Campaign” aims to position KCKCC to serve the next generation of students in Wyandotte County. Plans beyond the KCKCEHW include a new Athletic Training Center on the KCKCC Main Campus and a new KCKCC Leavenworth Campus.

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