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Welcome Bruce Broce, JB+A’s Newest Team Member

Bruce Broce, M.A., complements the consulting team at Jeffrey Byrne + Associates with international experience in nonprofit fundraising and an extensive development background in higher education. Throughout his career, he has shown a commitment to building comprehensive development operations and creative funding vehicles tailored to each institution’s unique objectives. A hallmark of Bruce’s work is fostering effective advisory boards, and engaging staff and constituents to further an institution’s mission.

“Bruce brings expertise in uniting staff, volunteers, donors and advocates around a nonprofit’s mission to achieve resource development goals – and this will greatly benefit our client partners,” says Jeffrey D. Byrne, JB+A President + CEO. “His substantial fundraising experience complements his passion for nonprofit success. I am excited to welcome Bruce to the JB+A team.”

As an Executive Director for the Truth Commission of Panama, he worked closely with embassies, foundations and individuals to fund the Commission’s investigation of human rights abuses carried out by the Panamanian military regime, which ruled the country from 1968-89. At K-State’s College of Architecture, Planning & Design, he was responsible for creating the College’s $75,000,000 building campaign. His time at KU Med was distinguished by building the first grateful patient program for the Department of Internal Medicine. Most recently, he oversaw efforts of the University of Missouri to reengage Kansas City-area alumni and deepen donor pools.

Bilingual in Spanish, Bruce received his B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from Kansas State University and an M.A. in Cultural Anthropology from Temple University.

You may reach Bruce at or at 816.237.1999. Welcome, Bruce!


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